Amway has 2 major problems, as do most MLMs:
1. The products are overpriced, which makes them almost impossible to sell to customers and results in Amway being an illegal pyramid, according to the FTC and SEC websites and previous court decisions, and
2. The Tool Scam is hidden profit for the top level distributors only, and the vast majority of distributors operate at a net loss as a result. This is RICO fraud.
Read about these and much more at www.StopTheAmwayToolScam.wordpress.com and email stoptheamwaytoolscam@yahoo.com if you want to help shut down Amway and other MLM scams.
Watch this video about Amway and other MLM scams, then forward it to every non-Amway person you know, and encourage them to do the same. When enough people know, these scams will collapse: English version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6MwGeOm8iI Spanish version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy-O4myeUzg&feature=youtu.be
Scott Johnson can be heard on the Building Fortunes Radio shows below.
Stop the Amway Tool Scam Scott Johnson and Peter Mingils MLM Arrests and Jail One Coin Neora FTC SEC
Scott Johnson with Disinformation and Anti-MLM Guest Lynn Building Fortunes Radio with Peter Mingils
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