Jean Luc and Peter Mingils speak about incompetence and corruption on Building Fortunes Radio
Jean Luc and Peter Mingils speak about incompetence and corruption on Building Fortunes Radio
Jean Luc and Peter Mingils speak about incompetence and corruption on Building Fortunes Radio
Jean Luc and Peter Mingils explore Political Environment and Lies on Public that go unnoticed through repetition and debates on Building Fortunes radio
Citizens for Health Attorney Jim Turner interviews Weston A Price Foundation Sally Fallon Morell on her Amazon banned book titled Contagion Myth on Building Fortunes…
Presidential Debates Donald Trump and joe Biden Coronavirus and Contagion Myth Censorship Building Fortunes Radio with Peter Mingils and comments on Sally Fallon meroll Amazon…
Jean Luc talks to Peter Mingils about Diane Daniels Consulting Business on Building Fortunes Radio in reactions to Coronavirus Pandemic in EIDL an SBA Loans
Jean Luc explains Research how Covid19 is not a virus but a bacteria on Building Fortunes Radio with California Wild Fires in background
Citizensfor health Lawyer Jim Turner on President Donald Trump and Author Bob Woodward Interview and Impact on Ploitical Process with Peter Mingils on Building Fortunes…
Jean Luc discusses Quarantines Covid19 Restrictions and Robert Kennedy Video with Peter Mingils on Building Fortunes Radio
Jean Luc and Peter Mingils discuss Pandemic Covid19 Prison at home Involuntarily on Building Fortunes Radio when traveling from Florida to New York
Citizens For Health Attorney Jim Turner explains News and Fake News Political Conventions and Black Lives Matter Protests and Riots with Peter Mingils on Building…
Jean Luc and Peter Mingils review NBA and NFL and Black Lives Matter Reaction to Kenosha Shooting on Building Fortunes Radio
Sue Brenchley interviews Tax Strategist Author and CPA Courtney Epps on Tax Advantages of Home Business and her new book. What’s Your Plan B on…
Citizens for Health Atty Jim Turner discusses Democratic Convention Social Medium Peter Mingils
Jean Luc and Peter Mingils on How world changed with Masks Restrictions and Coronavirus Pandemic
Lawyer Jim Turner Citizends for Health on Confusion on Data about effectiveness of Masks and the football season opening and Donald Trump Explanations about United…