The H2W Premiere Radio Show concentrating on Health Wealth and Water

The H2W Radio Show with Adele Trudeau is hosted with peter Mingils on Building Fortunes Radio.
H2W stands for Health Wealth and Water. On this first episode we learn about Adele and her background in home based businesses as a new mom and recent widow. After losing her husband unexpectedly, and then finding out she was pregnant, Adele knew she had to find a way to make extra income and be able to stay close to home with her new baby. She figured it out and also added to her lifestyle nursing, farming, and raising livestock for food. Based on some major challenges digesting food, she found that meat from rabbits and goats were the best for her and that consuming a special type of water really made the difference in her life. This is the first of a series of radio shows that help introduce you to her Health Wealth and Water business and philosophy. Since a lot of what Adele does focuses around Water (H2O), we name this show the H2W Radio show (1 H 2 W’s Health Wealth and Water)

Start your journey with this link: